
Guide To Start With Application Development.

26 Feb 2013

In my opinion the best way to learn a language is to develop applications in it once you are comfortable with the syntax.
It is a great learning process and teaches much more than what reading a book will teach you. Development is itself a very vast process, let me detail  a very specific part of development. Web Based Application Development
Since it is a web based application, obviously you will have two parts, client side and server side.
For Client Side Applications: You can start with development of Chrome Extensions or Firefox Extensions. Alternatively, you can develop some Facebook or twitter Application. It will give you a great exposure to REST, plus you will get to work in the latest technologies as well.
For Server Side Applications:
Try and develop an restful API system, such as some API for a facebook Application where the Server crunches your data and you have some meaningful information in your application. It might sound easy but its actually a quite tough thing to accomplish. Still it is a great learning experience. You might want to refer some good books in this process.

Well, the point is you might not become a star developer of a sudden, but it will be one of the most rewarding experience in your software development process. Learning by doing, rather learning by failing in a very good process.

So take a crazy idea and Start hacking!

± May The Force Be With You! 